The Singapore economy is one of the most competitive and stable in the world, with no foreign debt, high government revenue and a consistently positive surplus. It is mainly driven by exports in electronics and precision engineering, but the service sector, particularly the information and communications industries, tourism, and finance are key drivers of growth, too. Singapore also has the world’s busiest container seaport, with one fifth of the global trans-shipment trade passing through each year, making it a central node in the global logistics chain.

Increasing demand for Swedish products

Market-entry is unusually easy. 这个小城市国家为当地企业家提供了世界上最友好的商业监管环境之一. And with increasing purchase power, an ageing population, urbanisation and an overall demand for sustainable high-tech products, the demand for Swedish products and services has increased on a large scale. Add Singapore’s major investments in creating the world’s first Smart Nation, and this market has become almost tailor-made for Swedish companies. Not surprisingly, 这使得新加坡成为日博备用网站在亚太地区最大的贸易伙伴之一.

The talent pool in Singapore is highly qualified, international and competitive. And, 因为该国是希望在更大地区扩大业务的公司的天然垫脚石, 在新加坡的测试将让你了解如何在亚太地区进一步发展你的业务.

Risks and challenges

主要的风险来自于该地区的成功,即寻找和留住人才. Competition is fierce and the cost situation high, 这导致公司不得不保持耐心,并期望在业务起飞之前需要一段时间. And, because transparency is a major factor in the business climate, 在财务报告和一般合规方面,该国可能被认为是复杂的. 这些严格的程序当然反映了新加坡对腐败和违规行为的零容忍. Our Country manager in Singapore, Rickard Levin, has more insights on this that you’ll find in the interview below.

How we can help

日博备用网站商务,我们帮助希望在这个稳定而充满活力的经济体中投资和扩张的日博备用网站公司. We do this through strategic advice, practical support, market insights and an extensive business network.


Rickard Levin

Country Manager Singapore
What are the main advantages for expansion in Singapore?

Establishment in Singapore could be a first step into the Asian market, to then further scale up business in the region. 企业将新加坡视为全球物流链上的一个重要节点,因为新加坡拥有大型中央仓库和配送中心. In recent years, Singapore has also become a hub for regional and global R&D through promoting advanced innovation partnerships.

The business climate is permeated with reliability, transparency and efficiency, and is mainly English-speaking. In addition, the talent pool is highly qualified, international and competitive. By testing your business idea in Singapore, 你就会知道在更广阔的亚太地区发展业务需要什么.

What are the risks and challenges companies face in Singapore?

The main risk lies in finding and retaining talent. It is also important to be aware of that competition and cost situation is high, 这意味着日博备用网站公司必须要有耐心,并预期业务起飞需要一段时间. 在财务报告和一般合规方面,该国也被认为是复杂的. 这些严格的程序反映了新加坡对腐败和违规行为的零容忍.

Are there any cultural aspects to consider?

新加坡是一个多民族社会,华人占多数,马来人占少数, Indians and other Eurasians. 因此,重要的是要尊重彼此的文化和社会,并在开展业务之前相互了解. Personal relationships are important in Singaporean business culture, so don't be surprised if you get personal questions in a meeting. 谈判时间比西方国家长,但不像其他亚洲国家那么长. Singaporeans are usually well-prepared and expect you to be too.

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